IELTS Academic

Build up to IELTS, Book + online materia...
134 RON 93 80 RON -30%

Heads up B2, Student’s Book with audios
179 RON 125 30 RON -30%

Dive in! Me and my world, Student's Book...
64 RON 44 80 RON -30%

Dive in! Out and about, Student's Book p...
64 RON 44 80 RON -30%

Dive in! Home and away, Student's Book p...
64 RON 44 80 RON -30%

Dive in! Let's get together, Student's B...
64 RON 44 80 RON -30%

Objective IELTS Advanced, Self Study Stu...
235 RON 94 RON -60%

Objective IELTS Intermediate, Self Study...
235 RON 94 RON -60%

Objective IELTS Advanced, Student's Book...
226 RON

Objective IELTS Advanced, Audio CDs (3)
334 RON

Objective IELTS Intermediate, Student's...
221 RON

Action Plan for IELTS, Self-study Pack A...
140 RON

Action Plan for IELTS, Self-study Pack G...
140 RON