Ada Lovelace
  • Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace

Reader with audio and digital extras

Angela Hill

Preţ: 33 60 lei
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Disponibilitate: Indisponibilă
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Delta Readers

The daughter of a famous poet, Ada Lovelace loves writing and creating things. She's very clever too. In fact, she's more intelligent than most of the adults she knows. Learning is her life and solving complex maths problems is her passion. When she is introduced to Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, she can see what the men around her can't see: this is a serious game changer! And  she wants to be part of it.
The only problem: Ada is a young woman living in 19th century Britain, a place where girls learn to look after their husbands and children, not worry about codes and logarithms…

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