English at Work with Audio CD
Practical Language Activities for Working in the UK
- Publicată în 2011
- paperback, 128 pagini
- Înalţime: 29.8 cm, lăţime: 22 cm, grosime: 1 cm, greutate: 380 g
- Cod: 9780521182546
- Clasificare: Categorii limbi straine
- Categorii limbi straine: Manual, CD audio
- Clasificare: Nivel de limbă
- Nivel de limbă: B1, B2
- Nivel învățământ: Adulti
- Disciplină: Limba engleză
- Alte categorii:
Clasificare > Editura > Cambridge
A photocopiable resource book designed to prepare learners for the world of work. Ideal for busy teachers, this supplementary resource book features ready-to-go photocopiable lessons based on themes related to the workplace. The topics include looking and applying for a job, work legislation in the UK, health and safety, and the work environment. All activities are referenced to the Adult ESOL Core curriculum and are suitable for ESOL for Work exams. The book comes with an Audio CD which gives learners the opportunity to listen to typical workplace conversations between native and non-native speakers of English.
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