Mighty Movers 2nd ed, Teacher's Book and CD-ROM + Delta Augmented
2nd edition for the revised 2018 exam
Cheryl Pelteret, Hilary Thompson
- Publicată în 2018
- paperback, 90 pagini
- Înalţime: 29.8 cm, lăţime: 21 cm, grosime: 0,6 cm, greutate: 400 g
- Cod: 9783125013988
- Editura: Delta Publishing
- Clasificare: Categorii limbi straine
- Categorii limbi straine: Resurse pentru profesori
- Clasificare: Nivel de limbă
- Nivel de limbă: A1
- Nivel învățământ: Primar
- Clasificare generala: Examene limbi straine
- Examene limbi straine: YLE Movers
- Categorii limbi straine: Manualul profesorului
- Disciplină: Limba engleză
- Alte categorii:
Clasificare > Editura
Mighty Movers is an ideal preparation course for the Cambridge English: Young Learners Movers Test.
Mighty Movers 2nd Edition has been extensively revised and updated for the 2018 curriculum, with sparkling new artwork and additional teacher materials, including interactive whiteboard material.
Mighty Movers is much more than just a test preparation course. It places special emphasis on learning English and preparing for the test being fun! The course offers:
- an activity-based approach through active involvement in everyday class tasks
- motivational activities aimed at promoting the natural enthusiasm and interests of students
- Songs and class games in each unit
- additional support including excerpts such as diaries, questionnaires, cards and quizzes for each unit, which can then be used for speaking activities
- downloadable, copyable resources including picture cards and board games.
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