Imagine That Publishing
- Publicată în 2017
- paperback, 48 pagini
- Înalţime: 28 cm, lăţime: 21.5 cm, grosime: 1 cm, greutate: 260 g
- Cod: 9781787000339
- Clasificare: Categorii limbi straine
- Categorii limbi straine: Literatura
- Clasificare: Nivel de limbă
- Nivel de limbă: Altele
- Nivel învățământ: Primar, Gimnaziu
- Disciplină: Literatură limbi straine, Limba engleză
- Alte categorii:
Clasificare > Editura > Wholesaleri
Children age 5 and up will love to search and find over 1,000 princess things in this full colour activity book by the creators of the best-selling 555 Sticker Fun series.
From princess carriages and palaces to sparkling jewels and animal friends, children must search the busy princess scenes to find every hidden item.
Simple text sets the scene for each search and find adventure and is accompanied by detailed, fun illustrations.
Sparkly highlights on the cover make this a quality gift and a fantastic activity title for travel, holidays, rainy days, party presents and more!
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