The Company Words Keep
Lexical chunks in language teaching
Paul Davis, Hanna Kryszewska
- Publicată în 2017
- paperback, 120 pagini
- Înalţime: 246 cm, lăţime: 189 cm, grosime: 0,7 cm, greutate: 247 g
- Cod: 9783125013575
- Editura: Delta Publishing
- Clasificare: Categorii limbi straine
- Categorii limbi straine: Resurse pentru profesori
- Clasificare: Nivel de limbă
- Nivel de limbă: Altele
- Nivel învățământ: Adulti
- Disciplină: Limba engleză
- Alte categorii:
Clasificare > Editura
The Company Words Keep is a practical and thought-provoking guide for language teachers, showing how the latest insights into “language chunks” can lead to learners acquiring natural and fluent English.
Here is a new methodology based on the Lexical Approach, a practical theory of language, of learning – and of teaching.
The authors have drawn on their considerable experiences to reflect both on the situation of many non-native teachers around the world who are not always sure which word partnerships are likely and unlikely as well addressing native speakers who still need point-of-need confidence in class and in the key terms involved in the teaching of lexical chunks.
They provide:
- an approach to all aspects of teaching chunks: from beginners to advanced, from ESP to exam preparation …
- a glossary of essential terms: from acronyms to the Web, deixis to delexification, priming to pragmatics …
- a new methodology: a practical theory of language, of learning – and of teaching.
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