A Handbook of Spoken Grammar
Strategies for Speaking Natural English. Book + Delta-Augmented
Caroline Caygill, Ken Paterson, Rebecca Sewell
- Publicată în 2022
- paperback
- Înalţime: 29,7 cm, lăţime: 21 cm, grosime: 0,8 cm, greutate: 391 g
- Cod: 9783125016859
- Disciplină: Limba engleză
- Alte categorii:
Clasificare > Editura > Klett Sprachen
A Handbook of Spoken Grammar is written for students from intermediate level and above looking to develop natural fluency in their speaking skills. A Handbook of Spoken Grammar is divided into 20 units, each dealing with a key spoken grammar strategy. Written for class or self-study use, each spoken grammar strategy is identified in context using conversational examples available for free on the DELTA Augmented app and short written transcripts. Each strategy is then explained in full before students go on to complete a range of thorough practice activities.
Key features:
• Helps students of intermediate level and above speak more naturally
• Based on recent corpus research
• Designed for class or self-study
• Perfect as a supplementary resource for spoken English exams
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