Limba engleza. Ghidul profesorului L1 intensiv. Clasa a V-a
Eyes Open Level 1, Teacher's Book
Garan Holcombe, Cristina Rusu, Diana Todoran
- Publicată în 2022
- paperback, 200 pagini
- Înalţime: 29,7 cm, lăţime: 21 cm, grosime: 1,2 cm, greutate: 400 g
- Cod: 9786060762133
- Editura: Art Klett
- Clasificare: Categorii limbi straine
- Nivel învățământ: Gimnaziu
- Clase: Clasa V
- Editura: Art Klett - CLS
- Categorii limbi straine: Manualul profesorului
- Disciplină: Limba engleză
- Alte categorii:
Clasificare > Editura
Cambridge uses cutting-edge language and pedagogy research to create innovative materials that teachers and students will love.
It is the first time that Cambridge University Press has designed a course specifically for Romanian schools.
English and Romanian teachers have created, through Limba engleză - studiu intensiv. Clasa a V-a, a textbook that follows the Romanian Curriculum step by step.
With Limba engleză - studiu intensiv. Clasa a V-a, learning English becomes much more interesting as you discover and explore the cultures and people of the world around you.
Eyes Open is a course for lower-secondary students, which will give you and your students all the tools you need for successful and enjoyable language teaching and learning. Teaching secondary students can be challenging, even for the most experienced of teachers. It is a period of great change in young teenagers' lives
and it sometimes seems that their interests lie anywhere but in the classroom. It is the teacher's demanding task to engage students in the learning process, and Eyes Open' s mission is to help them as much as possible to achieve this. After extensive research and investigation involving teachers and students at secondary school level, we've come to a clear conclusion: sparking students' curiosity and desire to learn is one of the main driving forces which can enhance and facilitate the learning process. The aim of Eyes Open is to stimulate curiosity through interesting content via impactful video, visual images and 'real world' content on global themes.
Engaging real world content
Eyes Open contains a wealth of fascinating reading texts and informative Discovery Education video clips. The two-page Discover Culture sections bring global cultures to the classroom, greatly enhancing the students' learning experience whilst simultaneously reinforcing target language. The texts and three Discovery
Education video clips per unit often revolve around teenage protagonists, such as a boy at the Kung Fu school in China, in Unit 3. The wide variety of themes, such as natural history, inspiring personal stories, unusual lifestyles, international festivals and customs teach students about the world around them through the medium of English, whilst also promoting values such as cultural awareness and social responsibility. Each unit also has an accompanying CLIL lesson
(with accompanying Discovery Education video) which contains a reading text and activities. Each unit's texts, together with the videos, encourage the students to reflect on, discuss and explore the themes further.
Clear goals to build confidence
Eyes Open has been designed to provide a balance between exciting, real world content and carefully guided and structured language
practice to build both confidence and fluency.
Students of this age also need to know exactly what their learning goals are if they are to become successful learners. In Eyes Open, this is addressed in the following ways:
• The unit presentation page at the beginning of each unit clearly lays out the contents and objectives of the unit, so students know from the beginning what they will be studying in the coming lessons. More detailed objectives, together with CEFR relevance, are given in the relevant opening page of the Teacher's Book notes.
• Clear headings guide students to key content. Target language is displayed in easy-to-identify tables or boxes.
• Each page builds to a carefully controlled productive stage, where students are asked to use relevant language and often expand the topics and themes of the lesson.
Flexibility for busy teachers
Eyes Open is designed to be flexible in that it can meet the needs of teachers with up to 150 hours of class time per school year, but is also suitable for those with less than 90 hours.
If you're short of time, the following sections can be left out of the Student's Books if necessary, without affecting the input of core grammar and vocabulary which students will encounter in the tests.
However, it's important to note the video activities in particular are designed to reinforce new language, and provide a motivating and enjoyable learning experience:
• The Starter Unit (the diagnostic test will allow you to assess your students' level of English before the start of term
• Review pages: these could be set for homework if need be.
• The Discover Culture video pages: though we believe this is one of the most engaging features of the course, no new grammar is presented and the content of these pages doesn't inform the tests.
• The CLIL pages at the back of the Student's Book.
• The Vocabulary Bank at the back of the Student's Book: many of the activities can be set for homework, or can be done by 'fast finishers' in class.
• The Writing Bank pages at the back of the Student's Book: the activities can either be set for homework or can be done by 'fast finishers' in class.
• The additional exercises in the Grammar reference: these can beset for homework if need be.
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